Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and predecessors of antichrist. Part 2, Vanga - portret of a contemporary witch

  1. Lemma
  2. Петър Дънов и Ванга - пророци и предтечи на антихриста. Ч. 2, Ванга - портрет на една съвременна магьосница
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Natural and the supernatural
  6. 21-7-2017
  7. Висарион Зографски, йеромонах [Author]. Peter Deunov and Vanga - prophets and predecessors of antichrist. Part 2,Vanga – portret of a contemporary witch
  8. Петър Дънов и Ванга - пророци и предтечи на антихриста. Ч. 2, Ванга - портрет на една съвременна магьосница - Света Гора, Атон: Славянобълг. манастир "Св. Вмчк. Георги Зограф", 2011.
  9. Vanga - occultism
    1. The book made a theological critique of the local fortune teller Vanga and the reception of the Bulgarian society, describing the phenomenon as a dangerous distortion of authentic Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The author also identified worrying signs like the spiritual ignorance, efforts Vanga to be pronounced as a saint, increasing number of fortunetellers who follow her example. Hieromonk Visarion sought an interpretation of the phenomenon from spiritual point of view according to the Holy Scripts, aiming to point why her activities could be dangerous for the souls of followers. The author is inclined to depict the blind and poorly educated Vanga as a victim, both to demons but also to the totalitarian regime. Attention is devoted to the way the communist "atheistic" regime made use of Vanga's activity and her contacts with high-rank circles of the communist party and the secret state security services.

      Among other problems discussed was also the scientific research (mostly psychological) which has been done by Bulgarian institutes mostly during the 1960s and 1970s. According to the author the "official (atheistic) science" has not managed to explain Vanga because it deals only with the material, visible world, trying to interpret a phenomenon of spiritual origin with materialistic methods. Here were also denounced interventions in sub consciousness such as hypnosis, highly which are unacceptable from a Christian point of view. Also, it was pointed out that many proponents of Vanga often apply the torsion field idea, a pseudoscientific theory from the physical theories of energy. 

      From a theological point of view were discussed various aspects of Vanga's activity. The author referred to many Biblical parallels with dark spirits and occult forces, and elaborated on the moral and psychic consequences for the personality from contacts with such forces. It was also made a distinction on healing by the Saints and what Vanga has been doing. A separate part looked in detail into delusions of Vanga on main theological questions, including destiny, incarnation and the view on other religions. The author also devoted attention to standing of the Bulgarian Orthodoc Church and risks for its position from the cult around Vanga.