Contours of the contemporary religious education

  1. Lemma
  2. Контури на съвременното обучение по религия
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 20-7-2017
  7. Андонов, Божидар [Author]. Contours of the contemporary religious education
  8. Свобода за всеки
    1. The article summarized main challenges to the religious education in contemporary Bulgaria and proposed strategies that would comply with the current situation. The postmodern society is characterized by multiple sources of information and demands religious education which is not legitimized only by church or only by school authorities but rather one that is at the intersection between church and society, faith and life experience, theology and pedagogy. Despite the traditional roots in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the current religious education should seek dialogue with other confessions and religion. The religious education, which has a “scientific character”, should be upgraded to general compulsory subject named “Religion”.