Christianity and modern science

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианство и современная наука
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Complementarity
  6. 2008
  7. Гриб Андрей [Author]. Christianity and modern science
  8. Град Петров, радиостанция
  9. quantum physics - Anthropic principle
    1. The author argues in the interview that the connection between science and Christianity, both from the beginning of its foundation and today, is obvious. "What was brought into humanity two thousand years ago did not change its brain, but it had changed its spirit, culture, and this culture has led to the technical civilization that we have today." This was promoted by two principles: the idea of nature demythologization, on the one hand, and the presence of Logos, some sacredness in nature, secret laws that must be unraveled, on the other.

      The author discusses the relationship that has developed between science and Christianity in history. With the discovery of quantum physics, pure accident was rehabilitated (in contrast to the Laplace theory of universal determinism), and the dialogue between science and Christian theology became possible. "This means that if we talk about the Reason that is hidden in the universe, He manifests himself not only in laws and regularities, but also in individual events, which means that prayer is possible as the conversion of one free human will to that higher will, Which is hidden behind the order of things, and a miracle perceived as a favorable chance is possible." The second, which allowed scientists to take the Christian revelation more seriously, is A.Fridman's discovery of the beginning of the universe, making it possible to talk about creation from nothing.

      As for the future relationship between science and religion, the Book of Nature has yet been read too little by us, the author says. In nature, we have caught reason, beauty, anthropic principle - as a manifestation of care for the future of man, but this does not mean manifestation of the cosmos care about man. "Today, the relationship between science and religion is such, that we do not see pity and mercy in the universe, and they are inherent only to man."

      In future, painful phenomena can arise in such relationships, the author notes, when new scientific data can be used as the last word and pseudo-religions covering humanity may arise. "Modern technology, grown from Christianity, will not lead to disaster only if not predatory and not arrogant will control science."