Responsibility of religion and science in the modern world

  1. Lemma
  2. Ответственность религии и науки в современном мире
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2007
  7. Гутнер Григорий [Author]. Responsibility of religion and science in the modern world
  8. Ответственность религии и науки в современном мире : Responsibility of religion and science in the modern world
  9. ethics
    1. As the compendium editor notes, the changes that have taken place in science in the recent decades, have turned it into a powerful technological factor that operates literally in all spheres of human life. The results of scientific research, as well as the process of their conduct, are often unpredictable in their consequences. Therefore, Gutner believes, the question of the science ethics and responsibility of scientists should be put on completely different grounds than those assimilated by the scientific tradition of modern era. Modern science can not remain "free of values" realm of pure knowledge.

      The peculiarity of the new situation is, in the author's opinion, that it requires a real interaction of scientific community with religious communities. However, religious communities hardly have the opportunity to speak an adequate language about the global problems associated with the development of science. The concepts of man, of his spiritual life, of his attitude to the world dwelling in traditions of different religions, exist in some isolated space of tradition that does not intersect with the space of modern science. Meanwhile, the author believes, the "reactivation" of meanings and values present in religion can prove to be an important factor in solving the global problems of our time.

      The compendium contains works devoted to various aspects of possible interaction of religion and science. Issues related to the development of individual scientific fields, primarily biotechnology, are discussed. The problems of the science ethics are considered. Anthropological problems are extremely important for the collection authors. On the other hand, quite traditional metaphysical problems associated with the ideas of united knowledge and possible scientific and theological synthesis, are presented.