Christian concept of creation in the light of modern philosophy and science

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианская концепция творения в свете современной философии и науки
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2014
  7. Нестерук Алексей [Author]. Universe as a Saturated Phenomenon: Christian concept of creation in the light of modern philosophy and science
  8. Вера и знание: взгляд с Востока : Faith and knowledge: view from the East
  9. world creation
    1. According to the author, modern discussions about the relationship between Christian theology and science are forced to deal with the theological problem of creation in one way or another. Theology presupposes an appeal to the divine, and thus a clear distinction is made between this world (which science studies) and the God who created it. In this ontological difference the meaning of creation as chance or the world unrestricted conditionality is coded.

      The goal of dialogue between theology and science, from the author's point of view, is to clarify in contemporary philosophical and scientific context the meaning of what is understood under creation of the world from nothing.

      Aleksei Nesteruk in his extensive study examines the fundamental problem of creating the world in the context of patristic theology (primarily St. Maxim the Confessor) and modern philosophical concepts and scientific theories. The author emphasizes the Christological and anthropological dimensions of creation, as well as the transcendental and immanent aspects of the relationship between the Creator and the creature.