Science and religion at the turn of the third millennium

  1. Lemma
  2. Наука и религия на рубеже III тысячелетия
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 20-10-2009
  7. Kirill Kopeykin [Author]. Science and religion at the turn of the third millennium
  8. Богослов.ру
  9. ontology
    1. The article deals with the origins of science, the relationship of science and religion in the Middle Ages, Modern and Postmodern, and the way their relationship may change in the future. The author discusses the possibility of science and religion symphony provided by the review of science ontological basis, by emergence of a new scientific paradigm on the base of a "non-dualistic ontology" that does not oppose res cogitans and res extensa, which, in its integrative scales, corresponds to the third millennium man holistic worldview and allows to overcome the breakdown of humanitarian, scientific and theological knowledge. Changing the ontological conceptions of the universe origins, the author believes, brings humanity to the threshold of a new "supernatural scientific" revolution, similar to what happened when Galileo directed his telescope to heaven.

      According to the author, it is necessary to build an ontology corresponding, on the one hand, to modern scientific ideas about the universe and, on the other hand, rooted in the biblical tradition of Revelation. If it is possible to create such an ontology, this will give a tremendous impulse to the entire human culture, because ontology is the foundation in which the cultic, liturgical roots of culture descend. This can only be done by the Church when united its efforts with science.

      Till now humanity went on a way of developing and surmounting external space, the author argues. Today, when the extent of human understanding has reached its limit - self-denying strangeness - the very logic of knowledge forces us, reaching the outer limit, to turn to our inner space. The development of the microworld allowed access to colossal energy - the energy of the atomic nucleus endowed with a truly mystical power. Mastering our "inner microcosm" will help us to open access to the huge psychic energy of the "core" of the human soul, whose energy is no less than the energy of atom splitting.