Common Topics of Science, Theology and Army

  1. Lemma
  2. Zajednicke teme za nauku, teologiju i vojsku
  3. Serbian
  4. Stevanovic, Aleksandra
  5. Modes of interaction
  6. 26-8-2016
  7. Tomic, Bojan [Author]. Common Topics of Science and Theology in the 21st Century and One Military Issue. 378– 391, Multidisciplinary research
  8. Vojno delo: Opstevojni naucno-teorijski casopis
    1. Tomic, Bojan
  9. theology and army - military defense - multidisciplinarity - bioethics
  10. 25/8/2016
    1. The paper by Tomic is presented in the military theory journal “Military Work” by the Ministry of Defense, Republic of Serbia, in winter 2011, as a part of multidisciplinary research. In the paper, the author addresses three very important spheres: science, theology, and army and tries to point out specific places where these three meet. What is, at first glance, specific about this work is its multidisciplinarity and unexpected connection of questions related to army, science and religion. The author states that there is a wide range of unanswered questions that can all be related to theology, because some scientific topics that are not considered to be religious, in fact are. There is a significant problem that concepts are distinguished and separated into specific scientific disciplines. Therefore, the author encourages multidisciplinarity in the research.

      One of the problems the author finds significant is lack of faith in the scientific world. The example provided in the work regards the Nobel Prize winner in Physics in 2004, Frank Wilczek, who, becoming increasingly aware of the scientific knowledge, disapproves of conventional religion. However, when it is taken into consideration that he still tries to regain sense of purpose and meaning, what is striking is that his search is the quest for God. In that sense, the characteristic of mutual themes of science and theology in the 21st century is the quest for the man who is lost.

      Another issue that arises is the fact that there might be science-religion dissent because many individuals will restrain from the attempt to connect those two and find reasonable excuses for their failure. However, they would not recognize this as the failure of scientists and theologians, but would find reasons to support the dissent. Lack of faith, thus, becomes a huge problem in any field. It has a direct negative impact on the research approach, evaluation and results reception and the like. Hence, lack of faith is a vital issue in science and theology, but also in all the other spheres, such as army. Theologians that have little faith would enthusiastically accept or rigidly refuse science and scientific inventions, while scientists that lack faith would show desire to dominate. In both cases, there would not be a good relationship with God and other people. Lack of faith would again prove to be scientific, moral and theological failure.

      The author supports these fears by stating that New Testament explores this issue as well. The main concern of the paper is future, the probable global threats and possibility of defense. The author acknowledges the dangers and possible future catastrophes such as cosmic and anthropogenic, and the need for mutual effort of science and theology, which would be of further interest to the army. Hence, catastrophes are another mutual theme for science and theology. In order to sustain life on the planet, science and theology must develop a constant cooperation. Biosecurity and bioethics are in that sense issues science, theology and army should all address in order to secure future defense.

      The second part of the papers poses a question the author finds vital to consider. The question is: can scientists be holy fathers and can holy fathers be scientists? One of the examples the author finds relevant to mention is Saint Basil the Great since the author considers him to be also a scientist, the one that is still relevant in 21st century.

      The paper conscludes that still many problems remain unresolved. Therefore, the conditions for creating the future scientific papers based on multidisciplinarity should be considered. In that sense, the author draws a parallel between soldiers and saints, and raises the question considered significant for the past, present and future of the army. Thus, an insight in science and theology cooperation in future defense is provided. Although the paper does not provide answers, but opens numerous questions and possibilities of common topics of science, theology and military, the author does give key points where science and theology permeate regarding future defense, which again proves to be the army question as well, which would all open further multidisciplinary studies on their mutual relation and cooperation. If such a coorelation is achieved, answers might be found.