Symbols and identity: paralels between the communist atheism and western secularism

  1. Lemma
  2. Символи и идентичност: паралели между комунистическия атеизъм и западния секуларизъм
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Concepts of knowledge and modes of reasoning > Materialism/Idealism
  6. 13-4-2017
  7. Методиев, Момчил [Author]. Symbols and identity: paralels between the communist atheism and western secularism
  9. secularization - atheism
  10. Click Here
    1. The article aims at answering the question whether comparisons between the atheistic policy of Communist states in the second half of the 20th century and the secular policy in a number of European states in the beginning of the 21th century is correct. On basis of the Bulgarian experience the author argued against comparisons between the forced and the natural secularization and their effects.

      Metodiev pointed that such parallels were made in the context of the case Lautsi versus Italy which was examined by the European Court of Human Rights and which triggered heated debates on effects of the secularization.

      The author elaborated on the reasons that motivated Communist authorities to put pressure on the Orthodox Church, one of the few influential organizations that may become centre of resistance to the regime. Moreover, the regime’s modernization paradigm prescribed a declining role of the religion. In detail were examined specific state policies for marginalization of the Orthodox Church, including replacement of religious with civic rituals and preventing the spread of even basic religious culture and education. The author concluded that mechanisms of the totalitarian state where were absent any correctives of the official policy are not comparable with the more current situation.