Critical-skeptical look at some of the objections to the introduction of Orthodox religious education at schools

  1. Lemma
  2. Критично-скептичен поглед към някои от възраженията за въвеждане на Православно вероучение в училищата
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. Главев, Божидар [Author]. Critical-skeptical look at some of the objections to the introduction of Orthodox religious education at schools
  8. religious education - Bulgarian educational system - Darwinism
  9. Click Here
    1. The text constitutes a polemic against the opponents of the proposed introduction of religious education based on Orthodox principles in the Bulgarian schools. Priests Glavev denounces five arguments, namely: all religious groups may request religious education according to their norms, the school program is already overloaded, if Orthodox teaching becomes compulsory subject its obligatory character will have a counter effect, a lack of prepared teachers, the object religion should not be distorted with a confessional interpretation.

      As for the first argument priest Glavev said the state will have the right to reject application from other confessions, referring to the practice in other European countries where the “official” or “traditional” confession has a privileged position. The discussion about the compulsory character includes the statement that the compulsory education in natural sciences is based on “the atheistic evolutionary theory of Darwin’s radical followers”. Priest Glavev also argued that the Bulgarian educational system is detached from the serious science in whose circles the evolutionary theory has come under scathing criticism.