Honesty relationship between science and theology

  1. Lemma
  2. Η εντιμότητα των σχέσεων επιστήμης και θεολογίας
  3. Greek, Modern (1453-)
  4. Katsiampoura, Gianna
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 10-04-2017
  7. Michaloliakos Nicholaos [Author]. Η εντιμότητα των σχέσεων Επιστήμης και θεολογίας
  8. Ορθοδοξία και φυσικές επιστήμες (Orthodoxy and natural sciences)
  9. science-religion relationship
    1. <p>Michaloliakos Nicholaos (1996), Η εντιμότητα των σχέσεων επιστήμης κaι θεολογίας (Honesty relationship between Science and theology), Association of Greek Physicists, Ορθοδοξία και φυσικές επιστήμες (Orthodoxy and natural sciences) - Athens: Savallas Editions</p>
    1. Nicholaos Michaloliakos, in this paper, express his approach of the relationship between science and theology. According to him, the eternal problem of the relationship between Divine Apocalypse and Science, as well as relevant problems, need a honest approach. 

      Using some historical examples, as writers and scientists, N. Michaloliakos emphasizes to the diferrent methodology between science and theology. In his opinion, every discipline  should follow its own principles, so they can work together.