Against Stephen Hawking’s theology

  1. Lemma
  2. Против богословието на Стивън Хокинг
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM
  6. 5-4-2017
  7. Тодоров, Георги [Author]. Against Stephen Hawking’s theology
  8. Култура
  9. atheism - Stephen Hawking
  10. Click Here
    1. The author critically examined “superficial and mistaken” ideas of English physicist Stephen Hawking to whom he referred to as the “the most influential theologian of our superficial and mistaken time”. The text referred to Hawking’s “anti-wisdom”: “There is no God!” which is depicted as a cornerstone of his global fame.

      Admitting the personal great and genuine courage and will to survive and the uneasiness to argue with such a person, Todorov stated the physicist has become a brand which includes several components: legendary biography, wheelchair, popular science films and books, and works in theoretical physics. The author also pointed to the Parable of the Prodigal Son, arguing that despite the seeming success of Hawking, his “godless theology” leads in the wrong direction, but as the parable goes after the loss redemption could be found and therefore there is also hope.

      According to Todorov, Hawking’s pure scientific work is read and understood by just a few specialists (some findings are criticized in professional circles) and what reaches the broad public are not the scientific hypotheses, but what can be seen as broad theological conclusions. However, on base of these conclusions through films and books are created vague, confusing and atheistic conceptions. This process was strongly fuelled by the market and interests of mass media, making this atheism a market engine and a trade mark. According to Todorov, popular interest exploded mainly because of the fact that unlike 99% of the physicists Hawking, “the most influential atheist in the world”, challenged theological conceptions.

      Todorov also did not agree with Hawking’s argument that God had no sufficient time to create the universe with the conception that time is created together with the creation of the universe. The intellect is a great instrument for gaining knowledge, but it also has its limitations, while faith is a means for direct contact with God.