Unexpected Sikorsky.

  1. Lemma
  2. Неожиданный Сикорский.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Orthodox view on technology and engineering - Theological works of scientists and engineers
  6. 2017
  7. Слободской Михаил [Author]. Unexpected Sikorsky. The great aircraft designer was also a philosopher and theologian.
  8. Православие.ру
  9. scientifc progress
    1. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/101850.html
    1. The author analyzes the philosophical and theological works of Sikorsky "Approaching the abyss" and "The Message of the Lord's Prayer". Sikorsky, as the author writes, claims the futility of progress, the uselessness of technical inventions and social projects, once they are deprived of the gospel truth.

      From the Sikorski’s point of view, the whole historical process and the tragic experience of our time show that human intellect and higher scientific education are not capable to recognize the spiritual evil and are helpless to resist its sinister danger. "Scientific discoveries and engineering inventions are in the service of evil, promoting the spread of lies, fear, hatred and murder to an unprecedented degree."

      The truths of the Gospel emphasize the infinite value of every human life, highlighting particularly its spiritual aspect, Sikorski argues. Modern thought rejects the value of individual human life and spiritual individuality in favor of some future inhuman and unspiritual social order.

      The predominant concept, replacing in large scale of the faith in God and therefore undermining respect for the human person dignity, is, according to Sikorski, the belief in a new huge super-Moloch, in a new world order, represented and imposed by the contemporary state of the world. This supreme idea, which has become almost a religion, is considered by the most progressive part of humanity to guarantee the creation of a new beautiful world of universal prosperity, development and glory. This idea is designed to prevail where all religions, including Christianity, were powerless.

      It has already become possible to determine the main principles that ensure the emergence and development of over-totalitarian world domination, Sikorski writes. The first of these will be "bread" as a universal control system over common life needs, as a means of ultimate physical intimidation and coercion. The second principle will be the deification of the leaders. With the lapse of time, any form of criticism will be banned, and subsequent profound propaganda will create a kind of holiness aura around the almost superhuman authority and power of the leaders. The third principle is the unlimited use of deceit, coercion and violence in an unprecedented scale, which means a complete moral fall or, figuratively speaking, the worship of the devil. This is the general direction of our civilization movement today, Sikorski believes.