A physicist’s reflection upon the creation mystery.

  1. Lemma
  2. Размышление физика о тайне творения.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Mutual dependence - Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM
  6. 1997
  7. Петренко Олег [Author]. A Physicist’s reflection upon the creation mystery.
  8. Православный журнал ФОМА
  9. symmetry - world creation
    1. http://www.tropinka.orthodoxy.ru/zal/knigi/razmysle.htm
    1. The author analyzes the latest scientific discoveries and states that for the modern scientists and theoretical physicists, it is quite obvious that the world is built according to the laws of beauty, which in mathematical language are the laws of symmetry. The basis for this statement is the fact that all physical interactions are manifestations and also means for maintaining in nature the inherent set of certain hidden symmetries.

      It is absolutely impossible to imagine, the author believes, that all this is realized by accident. Without the Intelligent, Almighty, Generous Creator - the Organizer and the Sustainer of all that exists, the human mind common sense refuses to perceive the world as it is seen with the naked eye, and in the light of the latest scientific evidence.

      The author claims that the new situation in science puts the scientist before a moral choice: either to accept arguments of common sense with inevitable consequences - to live according to God's commandments and fulfill His good will, or pretend that nothing happened and wait for some additional clarifications, which, perhaps, will return the lost support from under the feet. In reality, there is a conscious rejection of rational logic. The latter is replaced by theosophy with its dulled irrationality and morbid fantasies that have no real basis.

      The author reflects on the relationship between different components of the universe and discovers another fundamental principle - the principle of sacrificial love. "The very creation of the world was a generous, unselfish gift, in some sense even a sacrifice on the part of the Creator, ... the plant world, in turn, sacrifices itself for the sake of the animal's world, getting it for food. Everything in the aggregate serves to man as a child-loving mother ... Therefore, as long as people strive to fulfill the commandments of love for God and their neighbor, their existence is justified, and human life has its purpose and meaning. "