Studying religion in educational system.

  1. Lemma
  2. Изучение религии в системе образования
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 2003
  7. Метлик Игорь [Author]. Studying religion in educational system.
  8. Педагогика
  9. religious education - Philosophy of religion - religious studies
    1. In this article the author analyzes the content of the concepts "religious education" and "religious studies" as the two types of educational activity related to study of religion.

      Religious education, the author argues, is wider than just professional religious (spiritual) education, and the main criterion of this educational activity is the interaction with the corresponding religious organization.

      Religious studies, reasons the author, can be the name for any study of religion, from the standpoint of science, philosophy and religion itself, but in Russia at the moment religious studies are understood primarily as studies of religion from the perspective of various philosophical trends, carried out without communication or interaction with religious organizations. As a result, the content of such education is formed, basically, by non-believers adhering to a non-religious world view type or even atheists, which often turns modern religious studies into a form of propaganda of religious indifference or atheism.

      Philosophical religious studies in Russia, for understandable reasons, displaced other types of religious studies from the practice of secular education; since there were not a sufficient number of specialists in religious education field (theology) by the early 1990s in Russia. In the last years, the situation has been gradually changing, barely overcoming not only the quite understandable socio-historical inertia, but also the direct resistance of competitors in the worldview field. The process of restoring the necessary plenitude of diversity in approaches to the study of religion in education system has not yet been completed, the author concludes.