Scientific and biblical ideas about the Universe origin and evolution.

  1. Lemma
  2. Научные и библейские представления о возникновении и эволюции Вселенной.
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 1999
  7. Гоманьков Владимир [Author]. Scientific and biblical ideas about the Universe origin and evolution.
  8. Той повеле, и создашася. Современные ученые о сотворении мира. : He commanded, and it stood fast. Modern scientists on the world creation.
  9. Evolution - Genesis, Bible - Big Bang - Time
    1. The author proves that modern scientific ideas about the Universe origin and evolution are more in accord than in contradiction with the world creation description in Genesis. At the same time, Gomankov polemicizes with the Protestant "scientific" creationism, which denies the possibility of matter evolution and the Creator intervention in the Universe.

      The author compares the modern Big Bang cosmological concept and the "hot" Universe model allowing to match time, density and temperature (energy) and the matter and radiation transformations, and the description of the world beginning from Genesis. He notes that the non-representable scientific description of the universe in singularity and in the hadronic period is fully consistent with the second verse of the Genesis Book: “the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”. The appearance of a significant amount of radiation, including visible light, could also be compared with the 3rd verse of Genesis in this period of evolution: “And God said, 'Let there be light'. And there was light”. Thus, both in the Book of Genesis and in the "hot" Universe model, we find the light (radiation) irrelevant to a material source.

      According to the modern scientific ideas, at the initial moment of time a single force acts, which then had branched along with the expansion and cooling of the universe into four types of interactions (nuclear, electromagnetic, weak, gravitational). According to the author, this monism of interactions correlates with the monism of Christianity - the One Creator of the Universe and a single initial force.

      Creation of time (possibility of changing) and space (possibility of extension) at the initial moment of the universe creation immediately indicates the possibility of changing of the created matter, evolution or degradation, the author writes. "One who rejects the evolutionary principle in nature, tries to restrict and narrow the creative possibilities of the Absolute Creator, for Whom the unchanging universe is a too simplified version of the developing nature." The "favorable" evolution passage through all its stages from cosmological nuclear synthesis to the birth of life and reason, enforcing the scientists to introduce the "anthropic principle” concept, is to the author’s point of view the proof of action of the nature laws formed by the Word of God, the thought of God. According to the author, "without God evolution is impossible."

      From the Orthodox point of view, as the author believes, the Lord is still creating, still supporting the universe existence and development both through the determinism of classical laws and through the probabilistic laws of quantum mechanics.