Annals of the beginning

  1. Lemma
  2. Летопись начала
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Modes of interaction > Orthodox critique of science - Orthodox theological tradition and practice > Biblical interpretation
  6. 1999
  7. Сысоев Даниил, иерей [Author]. Annals of the beginning.
  8. Летопись начала. : Annals of the beginning
  9. Creationism - world creation - Bible narrative of Creation
    1. The monograph author argues that science must return to its "master" - Theology, and the goal of the work is "to recreate the medieval, Christian view of the world on the base of the Holy Scripture and Tradition, taking what you can take from this modern idol - science."

      Father Daniel relies in his book on the American creationists’ works and advocates the need for literal interpretation of the Scripture, understanding the "creation day" as astronomical day, and counting the Earth's age as 7,500 years. He denies the possibility of the Big Bang and evolution theories to be reconciled with the Holy Scripture and Tradition, because evolutionism acceptance, from his point of view, undermines the very roots of Revelation and leads to the complete destruction of all Christianity. Sysoev believes that the evolution theory is not a scientific theory, but a special form of atheistic, anti-Christian religion.