Does the Big-Bang theory contradict the orthodox dogmas?

  1. Lemma
  2. Teoria Big Bang-ului contrazice dogmele ortodoxe?
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Cosmology- Anthropic principle - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology - Modes of interaction > Orthodox critique of science
  6. Mihalache, Sorin [Author]. Does the Big-Bang theory contradict the orthodox dogmas?
  7. Ziarul Lumina
  8. Early Church Fathers - dogma - Holy Scripture - interdisciplinary dialogue - Evolution - Creationism - world creation - Big Bang
  9. Click Here
    1. On 15th February 2008, "Ziarul Lumina" published an article entitled "Record Hubble investigates the depths of the Universe" (documented by "Hubble News Release", 12 February 2008) and signed by deacon. Sorin Mihalache, coordinator of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion and Science Foundation "Solidarity and Hope" Iaşi. In that article he talked about the last performance of the Hubble Space Telescope, which was able to photograph a galaxy that appeared 700 million years after the big explosion of 13.7 billion years ago (the Big Bang). The article, which was also posted in the online edition of "Ziarul Lumina" ( generated, on the forum for debate, a very alive and exciting exchange of ideas. Some participants in the discussion accused the author that he promoted "evolutionary" ideas and thereby would conflict with the teachings of the Scripture, the Holy Fathers and the dogmas of the Orthodox Church . The current article publishes excerpts from these "accusations" and includes the extremely interesting and pungent replies of Sorin Mihalache. The conclusions are left to the reader.