Meeting theology meant unexpectedly getting up from pain
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- Întâlnirea cu teologia a fost o nesperată ridicare din patul suferinţei
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- Stavinschi, Alexandra
- Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology - Education, Science and Orthodoxy
- 31-1-2017
- Hulpoi, Nicolae [Author]. Meeting theology meant unexpectedly getting up from pain
- Ziarul Lumina
- interdisciplinary dialogue - Early Church Fathers - conversion - existential passion - personal testimonies
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This is an interview that Nicolae Hulpoi realized with Sorin Mihalache in July 2007. The aim is to introduce to the audience the author of the bi-monthly article devoted to the dialogue between religion and science, published in the "Sunday Light", the supplement of the newspaper, which was initiated one year before. The articles covered a variety of topics, ranging from the fascinating world of plants or animals to the amazing laws underlying the terrestrial ecosystem or the most recent discoveries in astronomy. The aim was, in fact, to show that religion and science are unexpectedly close areas and that scientific findings often confirm earlier insights of saints of the church, who spoke about the wisdom and power of God and who could see the beauty and order of creation.
Deacon Sorin Adrian Mihalache has a degree in mathematics as well as one in Orthodox Theology. He has a master's degree in philosophy, psychology, theoretical physics and orthodox theology. He is Secretary General of the Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Religion and Science ("Al. I. Cuza" University) and president of the Association for Dialogue between Theology and Science in Romania, Iaşi branch.
He confesses that, while he was a student in mathematics, the discovery of spiritual life meant for him a true conversion and that his passion for the dialogue between religion and sciences stems from the fact that "the world, life, our soul, our neighbours, the Saints of the Church, they are all wonderful and in all of them we discover the immense beauty of God's Creation as a precious gift". In this lively and stimulating interview he talks about a large number of personal experiences that have shaped his destiny and concludes that the ultimate test for any theological or scientific idea, is life itself.