Psychoanalysis and Orthodox anthropology

  1. Lemma
  2. Psychoanalysis and Orthodox anthropology
  3. English
  4. Delli, Eudoxie
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Psychology-Psychoanalysis - Orthodox Anthropology - Complementarity
  6. Γιανναράς, Χρήστος [Author]. Psychoanalysis and Orthodox anthropology
  7. Θεολογία
  8. referentiality - Desire - human personhood - Otherness - Dolto, Françoise - Lacan, Jacques - Séverin, Gérard - asceticism - Existence and relationship
    1. <p>Giannaras, C. (2003). Psychoanalysis and Orthodox anthropology. <em>Θεολογία</em>, <em>1</em>, 51-60.</p>