Orthodoxy and science. Two theories on the origin of human's species

  1. Lemma
  2. Ortodoxie şi ştiinţă. Două teorii despre originea speciei umane
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. Co-existence - Orthodox Anthropology
  6. 31-1-2017
  7. Nistea, Iulian [Author]. Orthodoxy and science. Two theories on the origin of human's species
  8. http://www.nistea.com/blog/2006/10/31/15-ortodoxia-si-stiinta-doua-teorii-despre-originea-speciei-umane-omul-coboara-din-maimuta-sau-a-fost-creat-de-dumnezeu/
  9. Creationism - Evolution - humour - interreligious dialogue
  10. Click Here
    1. The publications of Fr Iulian Nistea reach a huge number of orthodox believers and Romanian speakers; he was considered one of the most prolific orthodox webmasters, having produced over a dozen sites in less than five years (in 2007). In addition, he has a very attractive, original, entertaining and intriguing style that can be appealing for a large segment of the audience, especially to those who are reluctant to read academic theology or are tired of the traditional old-fashioned language typical of many Romanian publications. Therefore the impact of his writings cannot be underestimated.

      This article, is entitled "Orthodoxy and science". It includes two theories on the origin of human’s species: does man come from monkey or was he created by God. It deals with the well-known debate between creationism and evolutionism. It mentions the influence it has had in the inter-orthodox debates, centred around fr Alexander Kalomiros in the USA and around fr Doru Costache in the Romanian speaking world (and beyond). He then completely switches perspective, by quoting authoritative orthodox voices, such as that of fr. N. Steinhardt, who wittily claims that he believes that both parties are right, ie some people descend directly from monkeys whereas many others don’t. Nistea closes his text by reproducing a long anonymous fable and its variants, entitled "The rebellion of a monkey", and analyses the underlying theological views that might have shaped the ideas that the different versions are trying to get across.