On Faith and Science

  1. Lemma
  2. O veri i nauci
  3. Serbian
  4. Stevanovic, Aleksandra
  5. Modes of interaction
  6. 31-1-2017
  7. Ristic, Ivan [Author]. Faith and Science
  8. Faith and Science - Belgrade: Obelezja plus, 2012.
    1. Ristic, Ivan
  9. dialogue
    1. The book deals with the issues of the relation of science and religion, with special regard to Orthodoxy. It is considered whether scientific theories agree or collide with religious teachings. The author encompasses different scientific disciplines such as physics, mathematics, biology, psychology and the like, and religions, such as Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam.

      Regarding physics, the author analyses the limitations of scientific methods, but notices the concurrence of scientific knowledge and religious teaching. In the next chapter, exploring mathematics and physics, the author lists some of the similarities of the theologians’ teachings and science, such as non-material basis of the physical reality, infinity, physical aspects of light and the like.

      Furthermore, the similarity between some models of mathematics with fundamental theologians’ attitude towards the God’s being – Holy Trinity (Triadology) and Jesus Christ (Christology) is being observed. However, the author has emphasized that it does not mean the reduction of the wholeness of faith onto mathematics or science in general because religion transcends the limits of human reason. In addition, the author implies that along with the development of science, there is approximation of scientific theories towards religious, especially, in the Orthodox worldview.

      When it comes to biology, simplified Darwin’s theory of evolution is overcome and the author points that is has been used as the basis for materialism and atheism. Recent discoveries actually show that life has originated in a more complex way.

      In psychology, the author presents that newer researches imply that love is merely a biological need, as expressed by Freud, but an innate, primary need which is related to Christian perception. There is also relation between the human strife towards infinity and Christian notion of deification of man.

      Finally, it is concluded that science correlates with some theologian teachings regarding the existence of God that has created and maintains the Universe. What is also taken into account is the discovery that love is the essence of human being, along with other essential features. In that respect science agrees with Orthodoxy most, which is the only religion teaching that love is in the essence of God’s being.