Kalyabin , Gennady Anatolievich

  1. Person
  3. 1947
  4. Male
    1. Gennady Anatolievich Kalyabin was initially enrolled in the Kujbyshev Aviation Technicum in 1961 and then in the Moscow Physico-Technical Institute in 1966. He specialized in Mathematics and was awarded his PhD in 1980 from the Steklov Institute of Mathematics in Moscow. Since 1973, he has been a teacher at Samara Aerospace University (full Professor since 1985), at the Samara Academy of Humanities and at Samara Orthodox Spiritual Seminary. Prof. Kalyabin has published more than 60 papers in math and a dozen in natural apologetics; he has participated in 100 mathematical conferences (including World Congresses at Kyoto, Zuerich and Newark, Delaware) and 10 meetings in theology. He chairs the Samara Local Society, Through Faith We Understand.

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