Stavinschi, Magda

  1. Person
  2. Stavinschi, Magda (en)
  3. 1942
  4. Female
    1. Magda Stavinschi was awarded her Diploma in Mathematics from the University of Bucharest and her PhD in Astronomy from the University “Babes-Bolyai" of Cluj-Napoca. She is one of the most prominent Romanian astronomers and one of the pioneers of the Science and Orthodoxy dialogue in Romania and abroad. She has served as president of The Association for the Dialogue between Science and Theology in Romania and of the Institute for Advanced Study in Science and Orthodoxy, as Director of the Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (1990-2005), as president of the Commission "Astronomy Education and Development" of the International Astronomical Union (2006-2009), as Chair of the SEAC working group "Astronomy and cultural heritage" and as redactor in chief of the journal "Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion". She has edited, coedited and authored several peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and books on the relationship between Science and Orthodoxy, on observational astronomy and on the history of astronomy.
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