Doctor-monk heals souls and bodies
- Lemma
- Лекар-монах лекува душите и телата
- Bulgarian
- Nachev, Ivaylo
- Complementarity - Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution
- Иванов, Иван [Interviewee]. Doctor-monk heals souls and bodies
- Нова Телевизия
- Evolution - medicine
- 2017.01.28
The report of Nova, one of the two major private Bulgarian broadcasters, tells the story of hieromonk Yoan, who unites two occupations – he works as Doctor Ivan Ivanov before noon, a medical specialist who takes care for people in the Draganovo village, and after that he devotes his time to a service as a priest. Hieromonk Yoan is presented as a “scholar, musicians, painter and healer” who has been taking care of people’s souls and bodies for 17 years.
Ivan Ivanov has graduated as physician and now is in the process of completing his PhD thesis. At the same time he has many duties and responsibilities in his medical practice. He was advised by his spiritual mentor that the best way would be to combine the role of a doctor and priest. There is harmony between the two roles, according to the report. “Science in general does not contradict with faith”, he told the reporter. “For me it is more likely that monkey has originated from men when spiritual development was neglected”, according to hieromonk Yoan.