Allen, Pauline

  1. Person
  2. Female
    1. Professor Pauline Allen is a Biblical and Early Christian Studies scholar. She holds a BA (UQ), BA (UNE), BA Double First Class Hons (UNE), MA Hons (UNE), Dip. Middeleeuwse Studies (KU Leuven), DPhil (Oxon)After studying in Australia, Leuven and Oxford, Professor Pauline Allen was a Postdoctoral Fellow at KU Leuven and lecturer at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Following a Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung in Frankfurt am Main she returned to Australia. She is Foundation Director of the Centre for Early Christian Studies at ACU, a former Vice-President, Secretary General and President of the Association Internationale d’Etudes Patristiques and a co-founder with Professor Shinro Kato (Tokyo) of the Asia-Pacific Early Christian Studies Society
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