Igor Shafarevich about Russian math school, Orthodoxy and Russian history
- Lemma
- Игорь Шафаревич о русской математической школе, Православии и русской истории
- Russian
- Saprykin, Dmitry
- Mathematics - History and philosophy of science - Modes of interaction
- 1-2-2000
- Шафаревич Игорь Ростиславович [Author]. One nation, one country, and One God, and one Church
- Православие.ру
- religion and mathematics - Russian history
Three main topics are discussed in the interview with one of the greatest Russian mathematicians of the twentieth century Igor Shafarevich provided for the leading Russian Orthodox Internet-site
1) Shafarevich highlights the key points of Russian math school history in the twentieth century, and describes the evolution of spiritual, religious and philosophical views of Russian mathematicians. Shafarevich depicts religious and philosophical views of Academician Nikolay Nikolaevich Luzin and the significance his school had for the development of Russian and world mathematical thought (the so-called Moscow mathematical school), the views of his teacher, Boris Nikolaevich Delaunay and his own spiritual evolution.
2) Shafarevich expounds his views on Russian history and consequences of the 1917 revolution for Russia. The academician’s opinion is that the revolution had stroked a terrible blow to the independent Russian Orthodox civilization, which was an important alternative to Western civilization reaching a deadlock, according to the scholar.
3) Finally, Shafarevich discusses the present context, the possibilities of national and religious revival in Russia, the prospects for environmental thinking, dangers and possibilities of the computer and electronic civilization development.