Sarris, Manolis (Emmanuel)

  1. Person
  2. 1945
  3. Athens
  4. Male
    1. Born in 1945 in Athens, Manolis Sarris studied Physics at the University of Athens and obtained a research fellowship from the Nuclear Research Center Demokritos. He continued his post-graduate studies in Space Physics in USA and he received his PhD in 1973 under the supervision of Prof. James Van Allen (1914-2006), a leader in space exploration who discovered the radiation belts surrounding the Earth that now bear his name. Afterwards he worked at Space Research Centers in USA and Europe. In 1977 he was elected Professor of Space Physics at the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. In 1991 he became Director of the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens. He was elected COSPAR Officer in the International Committee of Space Research and Chairman of COSPAR Commission for the Heliosphere. He was member of the Standing Committee on Space Science of the European Science Foundation. In recognition of his scientific work, he has received several awards from international research societies.

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