Bădiliţă, Cristian
- 27 March 1968
Saveni, Romania
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Nicolae Corneanu: Patristic confessions
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Ysabel of Andia: the mystical experience
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Marie-Hélène Congourdeau: The place of the heart between East and West
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Marius Cruceru: the neo-Protestant Patristics
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Lucian Turcescu: We should build on the previous foundation
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Giovanni Filoramo: Ecological, psychological and political gnosis
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Life and patrology.
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Alain Le Boulluec: The Early Christian heresies can be interpreted as forms of elitism.
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Attila Jakab: The mysteries of Egyptian Christianity in the first three centuries.
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Juan José Calvo Ayan: God's creative hand.
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Enrico Norelli: faith and intellectual honesty.
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Marguerite Harl: From Gregory of Nyssa to the Septuagint.
- Bădiliţă, Cristian. Monique Alexandre: A living history of French patristics
- Stiinta dragoste credinta. Convorbiri cu patrologi europeni. [Science faith love. Conversations with European patrologists]