What is the Russian Orthodox Church’s attitude toward scientists' work on the Theory of the Big Bang (TBB)?

  1. Lemma
  2. Как относится Православная Церковь к работе учёных о проверке "Теории большого взрыва"(БАК)?
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 22-01-2017
  7. Парфенов, Филипп [Author]. Как относится Православная Церковь к работе учёных о проверке "Теории большого взрыва"(БАК)?
  8. Pravmir.Ru
  9. Big Bang - Russian Orthodox Church
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Парфенов, Филипп (date missing). Как относится Православная Церковь к работе учёных о проверке "Теории большого взрыва"(БАК)?<em> Pravmir.Ru</em>. Retrieved from: <a href="http://www.pravmir.ru/vopros-otvet/kak-otnositsya-pravoslavnaya-cerkov-k-rabote-uchyonyx-o-proverke-teorii-bolshogo-vzryvabak/">http://www.pravmir.ru/vopros-otvet/kak-otnositsya-pravoslavnaya-cerkov-k-rabote-uchyonyx-o-proverke-teorii-bolshogo-vzryvabak/</a> </p>
    1. The Priest Parfenov is answering questions on an online forum. To the question on what the Russian Orthodox Church’s (ROC) attitude toward scientists’ work on the Theory of the Big Bang is, Parfenov replies that the ROC cannot have any attitude toward the Theory of the Big Bang. This, he explains, is because the Church cannot have a stand on each and every scientific issue that arrives because these issues come and go all the time and there are always new ones that come. The author points out that he cannot imagine how the Theory of the Big Bang can be proven to be true and even if such proof existed, it would be not possible to make a model of the Big Bang in a scientific experiment. One can only believe in it and share one’s opinion that this theory is the most convincing in explaining the origin of the universe.