Was there a Big Bang?

  1. Lemma
  2. Был ли Большой взрыв?
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM - Scientific theories and disciplines - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 21-01-2017
  7. Роузвер, Дэвид [Author]. Был ли Большой взрыв?
  8. Православный Взгляд: Аналитический Портал
  9. Big Bang - quantum physics - Creationism - Russian Orthodox Church
  10. Click Here
    1. <p>Роузвер, Дэвид (2014). Был ли Большой взрыв? <em>Православный Взгляд: Аналитический Портал. </em>Retrieved from: <em><a href="http://orthoview.ru/byl-li-bolshoj-vzryv/">http://orthoview.ru/byl-li-bolshoj-vzryv/</a> </em></p>
    1. The author explains that in today’s age there are two major "scientific" theories for the origin of our universe. According to the Steady-State Theory, matter/energy, space and time have always existed. The author asks why then one cannot create matter and energy? He argues that according to both the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, everything tends toward decay and destruction.

      The second, and most popular theory, is the Big Bang Theory. The author provides a detailed overview of the theory itself. He speaks specifically to the redshift, and tries to provide both scientific and religious explanations for it. The author tries to merge the scientific theory with the Biblical narrative, while noting that what we observe in our universe today may give us insight to the past, but nothing can be said with certainty. The author quotes both Soviet and American astrophysicists and other scientists to shed light on the discrepancy in the scientific theories currently at play, providing detailed scientific analysis in doing so.

      The author quotes astronomer David Darling who warned not to let cosmology fool anyone, and that the explanation of how it all began remains a serious problem, especially as it is difficult to reference quantum mechanics. The author uses extensive scientific analysis, basing himself on the Laws of Thermodynamics and gravity, to refute the Big Bang theory and the formation of stars. His conclusion is that there was no explosion.