Church Parochial Schools of the second half of the 19th and-beginning of the 20th century: Historiographical Overview

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  2. Церковно приходские школы второй половины 19-го начала 20-го вв.: историографический обзор
  3. Russian
  4. Asliturk, Miriam
  5. Ecumenism and dialogue > Education - Modes of interaction - Culture and national identities
  6. 20-01-2017
  7. Кочеткова, Е. И. [Author]. Церковно приходские школы второй половины 19-го начала 20-го вв.: историографический обзор
  9. religious education - School reform - Reforms - Russian Empire - Historiography
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    1. <p>Кочеткова, Е. И. (2011). Церковно-приходские школы второй половины XIX начала XX вв. : историографический обзор. <em>Известия ТулГУ. Гуманитарные науки</em>. Retrieved from: <a href=""></a></p>
    1. Church parish schools played a crucial role in the education for the poor, especially in remote regions of the Russian Empire. According to Kochetkova, Soviet historians mainly concentrated on statistics of parish schools[1]. This historiography also considered church schools to be inferior to secular primary and secondary schools. The author states that it is only in the 1990s that new studies evaluated positively the impact of parish schools on education. For example D.I. Latyshina in her work points out the positive role of the Ober-Procurator of the Synod (chief civil supervisor of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC)), Pobedonostsev K.P (1827-1907), who supported the introduction of parish schools in Russia on a large scale.[2] T.G. Leontieva argues that parish schools were genuinely popular schools and enabled the poor to acquire basic education.[3] A.Y. Polunov considers that parish schools became the basis of the ROC’s reform that strived, on the one hand, to introduce affordable education and on the other hand, to hinder the diffusion of revolutionary ideas.[4]

      The author also mentions several PhD dissertations defended in 1998-2005 that dwell on the 19th century parish schools reform in general as well as on regional level.[5] D.V. Kolykhalov in his study argues that imperial authorities followed the demands of Russian society for education and set up the system of parish schools that brought literacy to the most remote areas.[6] K.G. Kozlov supports the idea that ROC parish schools quite adequately and efficiently reconciled the interests of the society and the state.[7] Korean author Ban I.K. argues that the main function of parish schools was the reform of the society in order to boost its loyalty to both the ROC and the state, while actual education was a secondary objective of the reform.[8]


      [1] Gerkulov E.F. Pravoslavnaya tserkov – vrag prosvesheniya Moscow 1962. Bogdanov I.M. Gramotnost i obrazovanie v dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii i SSSR Moscow 1964//Tserkov v istorii Rossii (9th century-1917)//Kriticheskie ocherki Moscow 1967.

      [2] Latyshina D.I. Istoriya pedagogiki: Vospitanie i obrazovanie v Rossii (10th century – beguining of 20th century) Moscow 1998.

      [3] Leontieva T.G. Tserkovno-prikhodskaya shkola v sisteme nachalnogo obrazovaniya vtoroy poloviny 19-go v.//Neizvestnye stranitsy istorii Verkhnevolzhya Tver 1994, 33-34.

      [4] Polunov A.Y. K.P.Pobedonostsev v nachale 1880-kh godov: programma nravstvennogo perevospitaniya obshestva In the book: Rossiya i reformy 1861-1881 Moscow 1991//Pod vlastyu ober-prokurora. Gosudarstvo I tserkov v epokhu Aleksandra III Moscow 1996; Tserkovnaya shkola dlya naroda v kontse 19-go veka// Zhurnal moskovskoy patriarkhii 1993 No.6.

      [5] Kochetkova E.A. Prosveshenie krestyanstva kak problema politiki i deyatelnosti pravitelstva, obshestvennosti Rosssii v 1874-1904 gody PhD dissertation Orenburg 1999. Sysoeva E.K. Narodnaya shkola in the book Ocherki russkoy kultury 19-go veka T.3 Moscow 2001. Iskhakova R.R. Sozdanie tserkovno-prikhodskikh shkol Rossii v 1880-kh gg.: politichesky kurs I ideynaya borba Kazan 2002. Basalaev A.E. Tserkovno-prikhodskie shkoly I shkoly gramoty v Zabaykalskoy oblasti 1884-1917 PhD dissertation Irkutsk 2000. Osipov O.V. Tserkovno-prikhodskie shkoly Orenburgskoy eparkhii (1864-1917) PhD dissertation Chelyabinsk 2002. Vvedensky E.S. Deyatelnost russkoy pravoslavnoy tserkvi v blasti nachalnogo obrazovaniya vo vtoroy polovine 19-go – nachala 20-go vekov. Po materialam Yaroslavskoy i Kostromsloy guberni PhD dissertation Yaroslavl 2004. Krasnitskaya T.A. Nachalnoe dukhovnoe obrazovanie v provincialnoy Rossii. 19-nachalo 20-go vekov (Na materialakh Vladimirskoy i Kostromskoy guberney) PhD dissertation 2003 Ivanovo.

      [6] Kolykhalov D.V. Razvitie shkolnogo obrazovaniya v Rossii v pervoy polovine 20-go veka PhD dissertation Moscow 1999.

      [7] Kozlov K.G. Politika russkoy pravoslavnoy tserkvi v oblastyakh obrazovaniya i ee realizatstsiya v deyatelnosti eparkhiy Tsentralnogo chenozemya 1894-1914 PhD dissertation Belgorod 2005.

      [8] Ban I.K. K.P. Pobedonostsev i rasprostranenie tserkovno-prikhodsjikh shkol v 1884-1904 godu PhD dissertation St. Petersburg 1999. Tserkovno-prikhodskie shkoly v period ministerstva D.A. Tolstogo (1866-1880) Klio No. 3 (9) 1999, 171-183.