Man comes into the world

  1. Lemma
  2. Человек приходит в мир
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Scientific theories and disciplines > Biology:evolution - Orthodox Anthropology - Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 1999
  7. Кураев Андрей диакон [Author]. Man comes into the world
  8. Той повеле, и создашася. Современные ученые о сотворении мира. : He commanded, and it stood fast. Modern scientists on the world creation.
  9. Bible - interpretations - Genesis, Bible - Evolution
    1. In this article, the author discusses the alternatives to reconcile scientific and Biblical conceptions of the world and man origin in the mainstream of orthodox evolutionism.

      The author believes the world and matter were originally created so that they were capable of some kind of self-organization, growth and hearing of the Creator. "The transition from one day to another is mediated by God's call "Let there be! ", and the earth responds to this creative impulse," says Kuraev. How long and in what ways this God's will was entering our world and transforming it, making it ready for the emergence of man, - these are the questions for the science to deal with, without conflicting with the Bible, but explaining it. Hexameron time, according to the author, is not astrophysical, but more liturgical, where one hour and one minute are not equal to others, and its term of measurement - the mystery of God.

      Building his arguments on quotes from the teachings of St. Theophan the Recluse and St. Seraphim of Sarov, the author makes an attempt to assert that the body and God-like soul of man are not created simultaneously. "It is permissible to think - he writes - that the word "dust of the ground" from the biblical story of man creation designated an alive, living body, not just a piece of clay, but the earth, previously transformed by the creative action of God", that is, God breathes the breath of life into animal. Fallen man becomes lower than the unfallen space and, according to Kuraev, "God places the world below the fallen man, in order to prevent this unfallen but still alive, mechanical space crushing the fallen man".

      The theory of evolution is a strange way to confirm the truth of Orthodoxy, writes Kuraev. For example: the world before man could develop, and after the human sin it has lost this ability, and new species do not appear any more in nature. The laws of our world (nothing new arrives - this is the principle of conservation of energy, and all that is will anyway die - the second law of thermodynamics) argue that there is no development and no novelty. However, a man sees and knows this novelty: we once did not exist, but now we do, which could not happen by itself, within the framework of our fallen world, we need someone from the outside to bring us into being.

      The man's fear of death underlines the human otherworldliness, says Kuraev, as if man was created by the world, for which the decay, entropy and death are natural, people would not be afraid of death.