Комлева, Евгения Владиславовна

  1. Person
  2. Komleva, Evgenia Vladislavovna (en) - Komleva, E. V. (en)
  3. 1974
  4. Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  5. Female
    1. Komleva was born in 1974 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of the Novosibirsk State University in 1998. In 2002, she defended her thesis on "The merchant cities of the Yenisei province in the last quarter of the 18th-19th.The first half of the XIX century". Her research interests include the social structure of Siberian cities of the 18th-19th centuries and the history of the Siberian merchants. Komleva is the author of more than 50 works, the most important of which is the the monograph "Yenisei merchants (last quarter of 18th- first half of the 19th century”(Academia, 2006).