Chryssavgis, John

  1. Person
  2. Χρυσαυγής, Ιωάννης (en)
  3. 1958
  4. Male
    1. John Chryssavgis is the title of Archdeacon of the Ecumenical Throne and the theologian who serves as advisor to the Ecumenical Patriarch on environmental issues. He matriculated from the Scots College in Sydney in 1975 and received his Theology Diploma from the University of Athens in 1980. He received a diploma in Byzantine Music from the Greek Conservatory of Music in 1979 and was awarded a research scholarship to St. Vladimir's Theological Seminary in 1982. He was awarded a PhD in Patristics at the University of Oxford in 1983. John Chryssavgis’ research interests include medieval theology, the history of the Eastern Church and spirituality, ecology, and liturgy. He was the co-founder, Sub-Dean and Professor of Patristics of the St Andrew's Theological College in Sydney (1986–95). He was also Lecturer in the at the University of Sydney (198601995). In 1995, he was appointed Professor of Theology at Holy Cross School of Theology in Boston. He has also taught as professor of Patristics at the University of Balamand in Lebanon. He has published or co-edited more than twenty books and countless articles
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