The church press: where religion and science meet

  1. Lemma
  3. Romanian
  4. Stavinschi, Alexandra
  5. 06-2016
  6. Selejan, Ioan [Author]. PRESA BISERICEASCĂ, PUNCT DE CONVERGENȚĂ ÎNTRE RELIGIE ȘI ȘTIINȚĂ [Church press: where religion and science meet]
  7. Altarul Banatului
  8. press - faith and knowledge - dialogue
  9. Click Here
    1. The article is an essay on the complementarity of science and religion and on the opportunity of addressing this topic in the ecclesiastic press, which is considered to be more than welcome. The author cites a number of articles published in the local religious press that deal with the topic; all of them agree that there is no opposition between science and religion, as they both look into the work of God in the universe. According to the author, this conclusion has only been reached after more than 2000 years; however, the author fails to discuss why this only happened now, and does not mention any of the intellectual obstacles that hindered the dialogue, nor how they have been addressed and overcome. He takes for granted that science will never be able to shed light on some of the truths advocated by the orthodox faith and is happy to point out the limits of scientific research. The feeling is that the author falls into the old-age trap of giving a supernatural explanation to the current limits of human knowledge, and that he easily jumps to conclusions before going into detail as far as the 2000 years conflict is concerned. His main concern is to promote the orthodox values. In his view, which is perfectly understandable given his mission in the church, the ecclesiastical press is expected to bring balance into the life of the faithful and contribute to their peace of mind. As a result, it is perfectly entitled to host the dialogue between science and religion, given that the same spirit operates in both. However, no hint is provided as to how this can be achieved. According to him, the religious press has an increasing responsibility in promoting moral values, giving and offering solutions to all the problems of the world and our society. It has to respond to the new challenges of scientific development by identifying ways and means to address this, through relevant analysis and guidance for believers, pointing out the hidden dangers in certain scientific achievements, the limits of scientific knowledge and the existence of another type of knowledge that does not immediately fall within the scope of science. This other knowledge proves in many ways that it is necessary to establish proper boundaries for freedom, and use the fruits of science by refraining from selfishness and showing respect to the value of the human person.