Andreyevsky, Ivan Mikhailovich

  1. Person
  2. Andreyevsky,Ivan Mikhaĭlovich (en)
  3. 1894
  4. 1976
  5. St. Petersburg
  6. Male
    1. Ivan Mikhailovich Andreyevsky was born in St. Petersburg in 1894, one of five children. He finished secondary education in Switzerlarland and then he completed his studies in the Department of Philosophy in Sorbonne in 1914. Under the influence of Dostoyevsky, Ivan Mikhailovich Andreyevsky then went back to St. Petersburg to study Psychiatry in the Psikhonevropatologicheskii Institute, from which he graduated in 1918. He then enlisted at University of St. Petersburg to study Literature and Philology. In 1922, he accepted a position in the same University, but was then dismissed as an ideological dissident. From 1924 to 1928, while working as a psychiatrist at the Nikolaevsky Military Hospital, Ivan Mikhailovich Andreyevsky studied pastoral theology. Already by 1926 he was heavily involved in the founding and workings of the “Brotherhood of St. Seraphim”. He also made several pilgrimages, most notably to Diveyevo and to Sarov. After the Declaration of Metropolitan Sergius in 1927, Andreyev was one of the many who was imprisoned in Solovski, from 1929 to 1931. After his imprisonment, he lost his work privileges and had to seek employement in several small towns. In 1944, after the World War II and encountered the Metriopolitan Anastassy, who became a friend and a mentor. In 1950, he accepted a professorship at the Holy trinity Seminary in Jordanville, which he kept for twenty-one years. Ivan Mikhailovich Andreyevsky wrote at least eleven books in Russian and English, and many more articles.
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