The connection between the doctrine of divine energies and understanding of space in Thomas Torrance and Christos Yannaras

  1. Lemma
  2. Връзката между учението за Божиите енергии и разбирането на пространството при Томас Торънс и Христос Янарас
  3. Bulgarian
  4. Nachev, Ivaylo
  5. Orthodox theological tradition and practice - Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics: Relativity - Scientific theories and disciplines > Modern physics :QM
  6. 2015
  7. Танев, Стоян [Author]. The connection between the doctrine of divine energies and understanding of space in Thomas Torrance and Christos Yannaras
  8. Christianity and Culture
  9. Christos Yannaras - Divine energies - Thomas Torrance
    1. The article compared works of Torrance and Yannaras, which offer various approaches to the theological interpretations of the Divine essence and energies, and the perception of space. In addition, it analysed the way twentieth century ideas in physics influenced their thought.

      The author, a holder of PhD degree in both physics and theology, examined a number of Thomas Torrance’s works and discussed his interpretation of the distinction between divine essence and energies. One of the aims of Tanev was to explain, among other things, why the Protestant theologian, who at the same time was “closely connected with the doctrine of the Orthodox Church”, remained reserved with regard to such a key topic in Eastern Orthodox theology. The article also highlighted Torrance’s rejection of dualism as a key element in his understanding of the connection between science and theology and his relational understanding of space. Tanev also analysed the connection between Torrance’s interest in contemporary physics and his theological positions, namely his affinity with the ideas of James Clerk Maxwell and Albert Einstein and scepticism with aspects of Niels Bohr’s contribution to quantum physics. This can be partly attributed to the fact that Torrance formed his opinion well before some more recent experiments in quantum physics were carried out, which showed his suspicions were unjustified, and a further explanation could also be the lack of adequate understanding of the concept of hypostasis.

      The author also referred to Christos Yannaras’ position that with the progress in quantum physics it became clear that the outcome of observations of the micro world depends on the particular type of measurement instruments and the specific method of observation and description. Yannaras’ works suggested the opportunity for mutual terminological enrichment between theology and quantum mechanics. Moreover, he envisaged a better understanding of quantum phenomena when described with theological vocabulary. The article referred as well to the theological interpretation of space in Yannaras’ works which sought parallels between the material world and interpersonal relations.

      According to the author, the comparison of the two approaches allows one to assume that theological and scientific culture are closely related and affinity with specific views of modern physics can lead to affinity with certain theological positions.