Christian world perception and science

  1. Lemma
  2. Христианское миропонимание и наука
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Various approaches to the problem of correlation between science and theology
  6. 2014
  7. Trostnikov Viktor [Author]. Christian world perception and science
  8. Христианское миропонимание и наука
  9. Darwinism - system's analysis
    1. Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov -is a Russian physician, mathematician, popular science writer and at the same time an Orthodox philosopher and publicist.

      The audio-course of Trostnikov’s lectures published by the Russian Orthodox Church Publisher Council investigates the sources of the conflict between specific aspects of the modern scientific worldview and the Christian world perception. Although religion and science as the two ways of the world learning are able to be in accordance and in help to each other, there grew a conflict between them along with the historical development of the Modern Age European science, at least since XVI-XVII centuries, and Trostnikov makes an attempt to think over the core of it in his lectures.

      On Trostnikov’s opinion, the initial point of the conflict is a fully justified “technical” expedient to consider the nature (created by God) “as if” self-existing, autonomous from God. This approach did not itself invoke an irreconcilable conflict between science and Christian worldview, and at the same time enlarged the cognition efficiency.

      However, since XVIII century this scientific approach joined with an ideological godless tendency, claiming world both to be autogenous by accident and to develop without any God’s involvement. This anti-Christian position has not scientific, but ideological character and is built on the “theories” such as the Laplace’s theory of the Solar system autogenesis and the Darwin’s theory assuming accidental evolution process (not directed by God) and the idea of the animal world self-development by means of accumulation of random and gradual modifications.

      Trostnikov points out these Darwin’s theory aspects to have no scientific nature and to contradict primarily to the modern system's theories and to system's analysis. According to its data, transition from one stable system to another (e.g. any taxon or masticatory mechanism of repents or mammals) cannot be implemented by means of accidental and gradual modifications since those are two absolutely different systems.

      Thus, the Darwin’s theory is least scientifically based in that part where insists upon “accidental and gradual” self-development without any order (assigned from the above), as in nomogenesis doctrine. But as this abstract is in high demand by atheistic ideology, it is permanently replicated, reproduced and propagated.