Home Church

  1. Lemma
  2. Домашняя Церковь
  3. Russian
  4. Saprykin, Dmitry
  5. Education, Science and Orthodoxy
  6. 1996
  7. Father Gleb Kaleda [Author]. Home Church
  8. Священник Глеб Каледа - ученый и пастырь.
  9. Religious education - family education
    1. https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Gleb_Kaleda/domashnjaja-tserkov/
    1. “Home Church” represents a classified experience of the Orthodox family life in modern world through the eyes of a clergyman, a scientist and a father of six children. The author reveals both the patristic doctrine of family and the doctrine implementation potential in life practice.

      The book regards various forms of kids’ education, and family education is opposed to the education in specialized institutions. Kids’ education in family is presented to be the main form of religious education preservation and transfer in Orthodox tradition.

      Professor and clergyman, father Gleb Kaleda considers marital relations and family education to be a mission and a life deed for an individual. He also outlines the ways of studying literature in family, schooling labour, kids’ involvement in arts and science. Kids’ fostering instrument in family is everyday life, home life rhythm and the family participation in Church life, according to Kaleda. The book “Home Church” presents family as an educational space where the child and each family member personality is formed.